Sunday, August 7, 2016

Heretics Gonna Heretic.

From a misguided fellow convert to Catholicism and real heretic if she actually believes this nonsense:
Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger submitted an invalid resignation in February of ARSH 2013, predicated upon the error that the Papacy could be bifurcated or in any way shared or expanded.  The relevant Canon is Canon 188, which states very plainly and succinctly:
A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.
Last week, one of the most prestigious Vatican journalists, an Italian named Sandro Magister, published a piece called “A ‘Pontificate of Exception’. The Mystery of Pope Benedict Against the Antichrists who are undermining The Church.”  In this piece, the VERY influential and respected Magister quotes Italian Canon Lawyer Guido Ferro Canale at length, who honed-in on a very specific German term used by Pope Benedict’s personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein in late May: “Pontificate of Exception”, or “Ausnahmepontifikat”. Canale argues persuasively that Ratzinger may have thrown the Petrine Office into a suspended state of juridical emergency.
Magister also quotes Ganswein at length showing that Ratzinger STILL BELIEVES himself, and RESIGNED WITH THE INTENTION of continuing to BE THE POPE....
Jorge Bergoglio is NOT the pope. Joseph Ratzinger is the pope – Pope Benedict XVI.  “Pope Francis” is a fiction, and thus all of the scandal and damage that this wicked man Jorge Bergoglio is wreaking is, at its core, a function of the fact that we are calling him by a false name. We all know that it is a wicked lie to call Bruce Jenner “Caitlyn”, because to do so is to assent to a lie.  If we can all understand the gravity and scandal of a z-list celebrity and madman calling himself a woman, how much more grave is it to call a man who is NOT the Vicar of Christ, “the Pope?”
What it is high time people start discussing openly is the distinct possibility that Antipope Bergoglio is the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist.  Students of End Times prophecy tell us that The Antichrist will neither be the pope (obviously), nor even APPEAR to be the pope.  BUT, the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist could certainly APPEAR to be “a pope”.  And if one thinks about it, it makes perfect diabolical sense for the False Prophet Forerunner to be precisely that – an antipope.  He would wield the authority of Peter, auto-destruct the institutional Church, and even establish a false, apostate church, a “one world religion” with himself at its head, all in preparation for the coming of The Antichrist, who will be a secular leader that attempts to deify himself.  And if the False Prophet Forerunner were an antipope, the Holy Ghost would be “kept out of the way” with regards to the graces and protections of the Petrine Office.  This is why Bergoglio spews heresy on a near-daily basis.  It isn’t because The Holy Ghost is failing, or has forsaken the Petrine Office or the Church.  It is because Bergoglio is not the pope.  It really is that simple.
What I am now convinced Antipope Bergoglio is doing is attempting to draw “all peoples unto himself” and coalesce his power in preparation for the unveiling of a “one world religion” which will ultimately be the client of a “one world government”.  This has been the stated goal of Freemasonry for these last 300 years, manifested in the United Nations, the European Union, and the regime now occupying Washington D.C., and now we see the open and aggressive drive to dissolve all international borders, both conceptually and physically, with Antipope Bergoglio as its primary propagandist.  This has also been foretold in countless prophecies.
It's always sad to see somebody jump off the cliff, or perhaps the more apt metaphor here is "jump the shark." Legally, any baptized man can be elected pope, so long as they are elected by the college of cardinals and the last one has stepped down or died. The article is either malicious or stupid, and it overlooks that:

A) Benedict XVI himself accepts Pope Francis I as his Pope. So where's the "substantial error"? You're not seriously arguing that his secretary legally speaks for him in a case like this, are you?
B) Benedict isn't even the first pope to resign.
C) Probably most importantly, real Catholics believe in the infallibility of the Church, of which Papal infallibility is only a part. When the entire teaching arm of the Church in unity with the Pope promulgates and accepts something regarding faith and morals, such as who the real Pope is, she cannot make a mistake. She is protected from doctrinal error by the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete who Jesus promised the apostles would "Lead you into All the Truth." "And what you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven."
We've had much worse Popes without losing doctrinal integrity. His opinions on the matters of this world are irrelevant. That's not his job. His job is to lead regarding matters of the Faith, to lead the City of God, rather than the City of Man. You can't have an Anti-Pope the real Pope accepts. Benedict XVI is one of the holiest and best Popes we have ever had, but by his own will and decree, he is no longer the Pope and Francis I is. Have some Faith. God is working out his plan. He has never, and will never, abandon His beloved One, Holy, Universal, Apostolic Church.

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