Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Genesis 18

ome say that the appearance of the three men is a manifestation of the Trinity in Genesis 18. However, this seems difficult to justify, given that later in the chapter, "the men" move on to observe Sodom and Gomorrah, while "The Lord" remains with Abraham. Still, if not the literal interpretation of the three men, seeing these as symbolic of the Trinity is a perfectly acceptable mystical interpretation of the text.

Once again, the son of promise Isaac is foretold, but Sarah is still doubting. Once again God puts up with the laughing and mockery of both Abraham and Sarah, because they do not yet know the character and the power of God. God is gradually revealing his power and nature to man first through Abraham, and later to Israel, with the final Revelation being His Son in Jesus Christ.

Would God have spared Sodom if Abraham had continued to plead with him down to one man (Lot)? I have heard homilies that claim God would have shown mercy had Abraham gone further. Regardless, it seems Abraham should have continued trying God, indeed struggling with God as his descendant Jacob will do, actually wrestling with God. God wants us to struggle with him in prayer, to ask for those things we most desire, because it is in asking God for His blessings that we truly humble ourselves and realize our insufficiency.

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